Irish Potato and Apple Muffin
The Irish, in terms of potato cooking skills, are probably the most progressive part of…

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Champagne Pizza
The key ingredient in this cheery pizza recipe is champagne. It is in the dough,…

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Baked Oatmeal
Remember the joke? In an English restaurant: What do you have for breakfast today? -…


Baked Oatmeal
Remember the joke? In an English restaurant: What do you have for breakfast today? -…

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answer is clear

Cake and Cake Facts

Cake and pastries are a sweet dessert whose history is inextricably linked with the history of the cake. The first cakes were very different from what we eat today. They were more like bread, sweetened with honey and often with the addition of nuts and dried fruit.
In the Middle Ages, European bakers already knew how to make cupcakes and gingerbread – products that could be stored for several months. According to historians, the forerunners of modern cakes appeared in Europe in the middle of the 17th century. This was primarily due to advances in technology and the availability of access to certain ingredients (such as refined sugar, for example). Continue reading

Interesting facts from the world of pastry

Most people love pastry. But not everyone knows when they first appeared. The first type of delicacy originated several thousand years ago and was a dried dates, mixed with honey and nuts. They were found in Egypt during excavations. In Rome, the composition was different, in addition to nuts and honey used poppy seeds and sesame. And the Greeks were the pioneers of marmalade. The technology of its preparation was that apple juice was evaporated under the scorching sun, getting a lingering mixture. Continue reading

Cake pigeon’s milk”

Cake “Bird’s Milk” was invented by one Moscow cook and this invention, by the way, was obtained by the author of a patent. They sold it in Moscow on the Arbat in a pastry shop from the restaurant “Prague”. When he was carried out, and this happened da-a-a-leko not every day, the queue lined up, almost like in the Mausoleum. They grabbed 3 -5 pieces each to friends and acquaintances. The proposed recipe is as close to the original as possible at home. The cake is obtained WITHOUTLY delicious. The other day I did it for a man’s anniversary, for his work. The people were shocked and delighted. Continue reading