Digest information
Do you want to work as a top-class chef or as a kitchen chef? Then…

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Easy Apple Pie
One autumn evening we racked our brains: how to fake a cake, but so that…

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Apple pie
Charlotte or apple pie is probably familiar to everyone. Delicate, light, with a pleasant apple…


Interesting facts about cooking
Fact No. 1. American scientists conducted research, during the course of which it was found…

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molecular cuisine

Cottage cheese truffle and its recipe

Those who diets are constantly suffering from the desire to eat something delicious. And such a desire gradually develops into maniacal thoughts, which badly spoil the mood. There is no need to deprive oneself of goodies even during a diet, as there are recipes for such tasty foods that are low in calories but bring great health to health. One of these useful and low-calorie desserts is cottage cheese truffle, which is cooked very easily and only for half an hour.
These snacks are also good because they have a creamy pleasant taste with a touch of toffee. Continue reading

Famous dishes, the recipes of which appeared by chance

Moscow baker Ivan Maximovich Filippov was famous for his products throughout Russia. The rolls were even delivered to the imperial table in Petersburg, in 1855 Alexander the Second produced him to the suppliers of the court of His Imperial Majesty. But, they were baked only in Moscow, and then went to St. Petersburg. By the conviction of Ivan Maksimovich, only Moscow water was good. One day, Filippov got into an awkward situation, but got out of it, and even, thanks to this mistake, he supplemented the assortment of his products. Continue reading

Cooking as a vocation. 7 reasons to become a cook

In an era of total scarcity, cooks became, in order to be closer to the products, to work in warmth and contentment. The profession of a cook was considered one of the easiest and well-fed. But at the same time and was not too respected. Years have passed, and now we know that cooking is a real art, a cook can become a global star and earn an impressive fortune.
And why do people become cooks? We chose 7 main reasons, in our opinion:
One day with a cook. As a worker “defense” changed tanks for pies Continue reading