What to eat for breakfast? Apple pancakes!
Apple pancakes are a healthy alternative to ordinary ones. Apple circles are covered with approximately…

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Do you want to work as a top-class chef or as a kitchen chef? Then…

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Tarte Tatin - Apple Pie
Who among us has not tried apple pie? Everyone has their favorite recipe, which lifts…


Home baking as art
I just love baking, especially homemade. All these delicious cupcakes and muffins, buns, pies, donuts,…

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because every piece

Interesting facts about keikpops or “Keikpops? No, I have not heard

What kind of sweet treats can usually be found at celebrations? That’s right: candy, biscuits, cake or cakes. But do you know what keypops are? This is a trendy dessert, which only gains popularity in our country. But now he is able to compete with more famous confectionery. True sweet teeth will be interested to know that …
1. Keypops is a kind of hybrid of mini-cake and chupa-chups.
Rather, in taste and composition, this pastry resembles a cake, and visually – colorful lollipop. As a rule, biscuit dough in combination with butter cream is the basis for keycops. But the filling can be completely different: for example, chocolate, fruit or nut. The main feature of this treat is in its presentation. Continue reading

10 interesting facts about macaroni pastries

There is nothing more satisfying than unwrapping a wrapper from decadent pasta. They are the epitome of luxury, pure indulgence of hedonic desires, and are largely known as the favorite cookies of Parisian tea houses. But behind their pastel shades and beautiful textures is technical knowledge – the art of making pasta in the form of a combination of sweetness, sensations, smells.
We bring to your attention our 10 great facts about pasta. . .
1. The first pasta in the world was made not in France, but in Italy. In 1533, sweets were delivered to France by the personal chef of the future queen Catherine de Medici. A little later, the recipe was finalized by chef Pierre Defontaine, who invented to fill them with butter cream. Continue reading

Cake and Cake Facts

Cake and pastries are a sweet dessert whose history is inextricably linked with the history of the cake. The first cakes were very different from what we eat today. They were more like bread, sweetened with honey and often with the addition of nuts and dried fruit.
In the Middle Ages, European bakers already knew how to make cupcakes and gingerbread – products that could be stored for several months. According to historians, the forerunners of modern cakes appeared in Europe in the middle of the 17th century. This was primarily due to advances in technology and the availability of access to certain ingredients (such as refined sugar, for example). Continue reading