Baked Oatmeal
Remember the joke? In an English restaurant: What do you have for breakfast today? -…

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Delicate Chocolate Cake
This is a very big and heavy cake. It must be prepared in advance, at…

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Italian strudel
This does not seem obvious at all, but the strudel is a traditional Italian dessert.…


Easy Apple Pie
One autumn evening we racked our brains: how to fake a cake, but so that…

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first can

How to bake English charlotte?

Charlotte has a long history with many plots. This dessert, originally English, in different countries has undergone its transformation and now the word “charlotte” in the world is called completely different from each other cakes and pies. The charlotte baked in Russia — the fast apple pie — is called Charlotte Russe in the English-speaking world — that is, the Russian charlotte.
It is believed that this very “Russian charlotte” was invented by the French chef Alexander I – Antoine Karem.
But the real charlotte, the one with which many experiments with dough and apples began – English. And this charlotte is not a pie at all, but pudding. Its basis is white bread. English puddings are often cooked in small, per one serving. We asked the English brand WALMER, producing bakeware, to share the traditional recipe of charlottes. Continue reading

Vintage English Apple Pie

The British love apples and perfectly master the skill of making apple pies. When an Englishman wants to say that something is typically British, he says “as English as apple pie” (“English, like apple pie”).
Crunchy dough, sour apples, custard or whipped cream are what make up the traditional English pie. It is served hot, it smells sweet, the filling flows out of the cut lobule, the cream melts into a gravy.
If the pies had organized competitions among themselves, then this English comrade would simply have no competitors.
Apple pie is not difficult to make. Continue reading

Cooking as a vocation. 7 reasons to become a cook

In an era of total scarcity, cooks became, in order to be closer to the products, to work in warmth and contentment. The profession of a cook was considered one of the easiest and well-fed. But at the same time and was not too respected. Years have passed, and now we know that cooking is a real art, a cook can become a global star and earn an impressive fortune.
And why do people become cooks? We chose 7 main reasons, in our opinion:
One day with a cook. As a worker “defense” changed tanks for pies Continue reading