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Baked Oatmeal

Remember the joke?
In an English restaurant:
What do you have for breakfast today?
– Oatmeal, sir.
-And for lunch?
– Oatmeal, sir.
-And for dinner ??
– Oatmeal, sir.
-And tomorrow for breakfast ???
– The casserole, sir.
-Uraaa !!!
-Of the bunting, sir …
That’s it about her, about that same oatmeal casserole this post. The British, indeed, eat oatmeal in large quantities and it is not surprising that sometimes it can get bored. And the output is simple – we will completely change its consistency. What if the oatmeal is not porridge, but something between the cake and the granola, it will crackle a little and maybe even have a caramel crust?
Yes, the idea seems to be great, especially if you remember that you will be spared from standing in the morning over a saucepan with porridge, which usually tries to escape, just turn away. Instead, you will have half an hour of time at which your breakfast will be prepared without supervision.
Baked Oatmeal with Strawberries and Almonds
1.5 cups coarse oatmeal
0.5 cups almond petals
500 g of strawberries (if you use frozen, it should be thawed, liquids should be allowed to drain)
1/3 cup of regular sugar + 3 tablespoons of cane sugar
a pinch of salt
a pinch of cinnamon
1 egg
400 ml of milk
2 tablespoons melted butter
some butter to lubricate the form
handful of peeled pistachios
Turn the oven on 180 ° C, and the shape selected for baking oatmeal, grease with butter. Mix strawberries with almonds and oatmeal. Strawberries can be cut or not – to your taste. Pour a layer of uniform thickness to the bottom of the form.
Now you need to make a mix of 1/3 cup of sugar, a pinch of salt and a pinch of cinnamon, eggs and milk, melted butter. Lightly beat the mixture with a fork and pour it over the oatmeal. Let the mixture stand for a little so that it is slightly absorbed into the flakes, and then sprinkle with cane sugar and a handful of pistachios on top. Sugar will give a light sugar crust, and pistachios will add color.
Now you can clean the form in the oven, after half an hour you have a wonderful delicious and healthy breakfast.
Baked Banana Oatmeal
1.5 cups oatmeal
0.5 cups crushed walnuts
3 bananas cut into small circles
1/3 cup honey or maple syrup
a pinch of salt
a pinch of cinnamon
1 egg
400 ml of milk
2 tbsp. l melted butter
1 tbsp. l brown sugar
As in the previous recipe, heat the oven to 180 ° C, grease the form with butter, and mix the oatmeal with banana and nuts and scatter it over the bottom of the form. Honey, salt, cinnamon, egg, milk and melted butter mix and pour over the oatmeal in a baking dish. Spread brown sugar on top and bake for about 30 minutes. Serve immediately, top you can pour your favorite syrup – chocolate, strawberry or even put a ball of ice cream.
Baked Oatmeal with Apple and Cinnamon
500 g Granny Smith Apples
1.5 cups oatmeal
0.5 cups crushed walnuts
1/3 cup + 3 tbsp. brown separated
a pinch of salt
1 tsp cinnamon
1 egg
400 ml of milk
2 tbsp. l melted butter
some butter to lubricate the form
Peel and chop the apples into small pieces. Grease the baking dish with butter and fill it with apples, then cover the mold with foil. Set to bake at 180 ° C for about 10 minutes – until the apples begin to soften. Remove the foil from the oven, let it cool for a while, and then give it in the same way as in the previous recipes. Pour oats and walnuts in shape to apples. Mix 1/3 cup of sugar, salt, cinnamon, egg, milk and melted butter in a bowl. Pour into a baking dish. Bake for 30 minutes and serve hot.