Chocolate Desserts without flour
Many baking recipes do not suffer at all if the flour in them is replaced…

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Interesting candy facts
Candy is a confection, which is known for elevating improves mood. As a rule, the…

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Lazy Lobiani
Not a single Georgian pie can compare with Lobiani. No other pie has such spicy…


Favorite cakes - that we do not know about them?
A cake is an essential attribute of a festive table for a birthday, a wedding…

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Apple and Meat Pie and a few general considerations about savory apple dishes

Autumn is coming, apples fall from the branches. Have you thought about using apples not for pie, jam and cider, but for some non-sweet, not dessert food? Yes, maybe you sent apples to the salad. May be.
In Russia, they eat 2 million tons of apples a year. This is the most purchased fruit. Somewhere near the apples in this ranking are bananas, but apples are significantly ahead of them. This means that it would be quite good to understand what, in fact, apples are capable of in a culinary sense.
As an inspiring example, there can be Old Believers who practice 50 ways of cooking apples. Fifty! Their recipes contain everything from ordinary pies to apples stuffed with meat. Continue reading

Irish Potato and Apple Muffin

The Irish, in terms of potato cooking skills, are probably the most progressive part of humanity. Such a number of recipes with potatoes, as in Ireland, you will not find anywhere else, even in Belarus. Sometimes the Irish offer you to do something completely unusual with potatoes, such as baking a sweet cake from it.
We admit, potatoes do not seem the most obvious ingredient for dessert, but let us recall another vegetable example: carrot cake. Half of the fans of carrot cake do not even suspect that it is called “carrot”, not because it is decorated with small marzipan carrots, and therefore instead of dough there is shredded carrots. Here, with the Irish cupcake, about the same story. Continue reading

Easy Apple Pie

One autumn evening we racked our brains: how to fake a cake, but so that it was lighter than usual. So that was not so deadly for the figure, like all the other pies in the world, and so that was also apple. Because, in the corner of the kitchen, the basket of apples expressed a reproach with all its appearance, and even seemed to hint: eat them! September is in the yard, a rare person now does not have in the kitchen a basket / bag / box of summer apples.
In such a difficult situation, many would have failed: apples, a light cake – a seemingly hopeless situation. But having rejected all doubts that there is a way to find an easy cake, we were wading through dozens of mocking recipes, for some unknown reason, supplied with the tag “low-calorie cake” or “light cake”. Continue reading

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