Baked Oatmeal
Remember the joke? In an English restaurant: What do you have for breakfast today? -…

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Cake "Monastic hut"
To bake a cake "Monastic hut", the recipe is simple and clear, you will need…

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What to eat for breakfast? Apple pancakes!
Apple pancakes are a healthy alternative to ordinary ones. Apple circles are covered with approximately…


Apple pie
Charlotte or apple pie is probably familiar to everyone. Delicate, light, with a pleasant apple…

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Interesting facts from the world of pastry

Most people love pastry. But not everyone knows when they first appeared. The first type of delicacy originated several thousand years ago and was a dried dates, mixed with honey and nuts. They were found in Egypt during excavations. In Rome, the composition was different, in addition to nuts and honey used poppy seeds and sesame. And the Greeks were the pioneers of marmalade. The technology of its preparation was that apple juice was evaporated under the scorching sun, getting a lingering mixture. In Kievan Rus, fruit pieces made from honey or maple syrup were used as confectionery. This product was later replaced by marshmallows.
In Europe, produce sweet treats began only in the 15-16 centuries. Up to this point pastries were brought by the Arabs.
It is worth noting that the hundred word “confectioner” originated just in Italy from the Italian “conditioner”, which in translation means “cook in sugar.”
For a long time, the technology of cooking caramel and sweets remained a mystery. Each confectioner who served the nobility, had his own secrets. For this reason, the manifestation of courage was considered to be taken out from the reception of the folds of the dessert dress, in order to determine the recipe.
The history of chocolate occupies a separate niche and begins about three thousand years ago. In any case, the population of the Olmecs in Mexico (1500 BC) already knew what cocoa is. And the people of May generally considered him divine and possessed dozens of ways of making it.
Christopher Columbus delivered chocolate to Europe, first to Spain, and then to France. Cocoa fruits and servants who prepared the drink were part of the tent for Princess Anne of Austria.
For the first time, a chocolate bar was made in 1819, after oil and powder from the fruit of the tree were created in Switzerland. And only in the 20th century, chocolate became a popular confectionery product, after the appearance of beet sugar.
An interesting fact is that Switzerland is still the predominant country for the use of this product. The average consumption per year per person is 10 kg, not counting other treats.
Today there is a huge variety of recipes available to all. It remains only to improve their culinary skills.