Interesting facts about cooking
Fact No. 1. American scientists conducted research, during the course of which it was found…

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Digest information
Do you want to work as a top-class chef or as a kitchen chef? Then…

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Black sausage three sauces: French, Mediterranean and favorite Depardieu sauce
In childhood, the black wolf was only fit to shoot her at each other from…


Watermelon Dishes: Salad, Appetizer, and Dessert
Americans now and then celebrate something culinary. There is a carrot cake day, there is…

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Interesting facts about sweets

The word “candy” from the Latin language is translated as “cooked drug.” In the 16th century, candied fruits were sold in pharmacies for medicinal purposes. Currently, the term refers to a wider range of confectionery products.
German psychologists conducted research and noticed that romantic natures prefer sweets with strawberry filling, shy with nuts, decisive with cherry, but creative people are coconut.
For the first time sweets were prepared in Egypt. Continue reading

Cake pigeon’s milk”

Cake “Bird’s Milk” was invented by one Moscow cook and this invention, by the way, was obtained by the author of a patent. They sold it in Moscow on the Arbat in a pastry shop from the restaurant “Prague”. When he was carried out, and this happened da-a-a-leko not every day, the queue lined up, almost like in the Mausoleum. They grabbed 3 -5 pieces each to friends and acquaintances. The proposed recipe is as close to the original as possible at home. The cake is obtained WITHOUTLY delicious. The other day I did it for a man’s anniversary, for his work. The people were shocked and delighted. Continue reading

How to bake English charlotte?

Charlotte has a long history with many plots. This dessert, originally English, in different countries has undergone its transformation and now the word “charlotte” in the world is called completely different from each other cakes and pies. The charlotte baked in Russia — the fast apple pie — is called Charlotte Russe in the English-speaking world — that is, the Russian charlotte.
It is believed that this very “Russian charlotte” was invented by the French chef Alexander I – Antoine Karem.
But the real charlotte, the one with which many experiments with dough and apples began – English. And this charlotte is not a pie at all, but pudding. Its basis is white bread. English puddings are often cooked in small, per one serving. We asked the English brand WALMER, producing bakeware, to share the traditional recipe of charlottes. Continue reading