Torta (from Italian. Torta, earlier from Lat. Torta, round bread) is a dessert, a type…

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Mint julep
Mint julep is one of the oldest and most famous cocktails. It is not clear…

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Mint julep
Mint julep is one of the oldest and most famous cocktails. It is not clear…


10 interesting facts about macaroni pastries
There is nothing more satisfying than unwrapping a wrapper from decadent pasta. They are the…

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cooks are taught

Favorite cakes – that we do not know about them?

A cake is an essential attribute of a festive table for a birthday, a wedding and almost a daily treat for sweet teeth. The history of the appearance of famous cakes is no less interesting than the secrets of their preparation. Today we will tell you about this and that.
The history of cakes, apparently, began those times when people began to grind grain, getting flour. The first cakes consisted of the most ordinary baked cakes, which in terms of taste resembled simple bread rather than sweet delicacy. Continue reading

Interesting facts about sweets

The word “candy” from the Latin language is translated as “cooked drug.” In the 16th century, candied fruits were sold in pharmacies for medicinal purposes. Currently, the term refers to a wider range of confectionery products.
German psychologists conducted research and noticed that romantic natures prefer sweets with strawberry filling, shy with nuts, decisive with cherry, but creative people are coconut.
For the first time sweets were prepared in Egypt. Continue reading

Watermelon Dishes: Salad, Appetizer, and Dessert

Americans now and then celebrate something culinary. There is a carrot cake day, there is a homemade soup day, oatmeal day, and our most favorite day is Eat What You Want Day, that is, the day when you can eat everything you want.
Among these wonderful food holidays there is one that was celebrated just a few days ago, August 3 is Watermel Day. For us, this event is important here than this: every day a serious competition is held in a watermelon, in which recipes of dishes with watermelon participate, and a serious and gastronomically savvy jury selects the best.
We offer you a selection of winning recipes. Some of them are strange, some do such that you read them like science fiction, the combination of ingredients seems so unobvious. Continue reading