Culinary mistakes. What dishes were invented by chance
On August 24, 1853, Indian chef John Crum made up chips. He did this to…

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Apple and Meat Pie and a few general considerations about savory apple dishes
Autumn is coming, apples fall from the branches. Have you thought about using apples not…

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Cake and Cake Facts
Cake and pastries are a sweet dessert whose history is inextricably linked with the history…


Interesting facts about keikpops or “Keikpops? No, I have not heard
What kind of sweet treats can usually be found at celebrations? That's right: candy, biscuits,…

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Interesting candy facts

Candy is a confection, which is known for elevating improves mood. As a rule, the product contains 60-75% sugar. Initially, candies were called candied or processed into jam fruits that were used for medicinal purposes. Today, confectioners are experimenting with the ingredients of sweets, as well as preparing types already known to everyone, such as candy, toffee, caramel, fudge, chocolate and licorice candies, candy bars, and many others. Especially for the sweet tooth, we have collected the most interesting facts about this delicacy. Continue reading

Favorite cakes – that we do not know about them?

A cake is an essential attribute of a festive table for a birthday, a wedding and almost a daily treat for sweet teeth. The history of the appearance of famous cakes is no less interesting than the secrets of their preparation. Today we will tell you about this and that.
The history of cakes, apparently, began those times when people began to grind grain, getting flour. The first cakes consisted of the most ordinary baked cakes, which in terms of taste resembled simple bread rather than sweet delicacy. Continue reading

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