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Cooking eclairs

Eclair acquired the classic look in the nineteenth century thanks to the French chef Marie-Antoine Kemer, although the choux pastry was known before. But it was he who created the masterpiece, which gives pleasure now. To prepare it is not necessary to have any professional skills. You can cook eclairs at home.
It all starts with cooking choux pastry. Just a few ingredients, such as butter, water, flour, eggs, and a little salt. Scalded dough is called due to the process of brewing flour in melted butter mixed with flour. Thanks to this, the gluten of flour swells, binds to the oil, and the finished eclair will keep its shape well. Cooking flour a few minutes, you need to add eggs. You should gently mix them one by one into the brewed mixture. The dough will become very dense and sticky.
What is called an eclair should be an oblong shape about fourteen centimeters long. But at home, you can give the eclair absolutely any shape. It can be balls, rings. We deposit the blanks on a baking sheet using a pastry syringe or bag. If the form is not critical, then the usual spoon will do. Be sure to leave a distance between them, because in the process of baking the billet will greatly increase in size.
The oven should be heated up so that the dough immediately and sufficiently rose and voids formed in it. Then you need to reduce the temperature so that the dough is completely roasted inside. It should be remembered that during the entire baking time it is impossible to open the oven. This can lead to the eclairs giving up, because the dough will still be wet and not able to keep the shape.
Finished eclers are allowed to cool on a wire rack. It’s time to cook custard. Cooking two mixtures. First, heat the milk with vanilla. Simultaneously, beat the egg yolks with flour and sugar. The most crucial moment – to connect them, continue to heat. It is very important to stir constantly so that the mixture is heated evenly and no lumps form there. Cool ready cream. He is ready to become a delightful filling for eclairs.
And, of course, you can not forget about the gorgeous chocolate icing. She not only sets off the delicate taste of the cream, but also masks the holes through which the eclairs were filled with cream.
Cooking eclairs will not require much skill. Attention to detail, adherence to the basic rules, and a great dessert is ready.