Mint julep
Mint julep is one of the oldest and most famous cocktails. It is not clear…

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Lazy Lobiani
Not a single Georgian pie can compare with Lobiani. No other pie has such spicy…

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Interesting facts about cooking
Fact No. 1. American scientists conducted research, during the course of which it was found…


Champagne Pizza
The key ingredient in this cheery pizza recipe is champagne. It is in the dough,…

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Black sausage three sauces: French, Mediterranean and favorite Depardieu sauce

In childhood, the black wolf was only fit to shoot her at each other from the tubes. As they get older, the situation changes – we only learn that it is possible to make a tolerable homemade liqueur from it. Break stereotypes! Having called for the help of cooks with Michelin stars on their shoulder straps, we decided to prove that not only wine can be made from black insects!
The most interesting thing is that they look at the black-fruited carnivore as wine material, although it is quite clear – according to the natural plan, it was created only for sauce and only for meat: those who love tkemali will understand what they mean. The tart, slightly astringent, sweet taste perfectly complements the pastry and patty dough – but that’s another story. Today we stop only on sauces! Continue reading

Apple and Meat Pie and a few general considerations about savory apple dishes

Autumn is coming, apples fall from the branches. Have you thought about using apples not for pie, jam and cider, but for some non-sweet, not dessert food? Yes, maybe you sent apples to the salad. May be.
In Russia, they eat 2 million tons of apples a year. This is the most purchased fruit. Somewhere near the apples in this ranking are bananas, but apples are significantly ahead of them. This means that it would be quite good to understand what, in fact, apples are capable of in a culinary sense.
As an inspiring example, there can be Old Believers who practice 50 ways of cooking apples. Fifty! Their recipes contain everything from ordinary pies to apples stuffed with meat. Continue reading

How to bake English charlotte?

Charlotte has a long history with many plots. This dessert, originally English, in different countries has undergone its transformation and now the word “charlotte” in the world is called completely different from each other cakes and pies. The charlotte baked in Russia — the fast apple pie — is called Charlotte Russe in the English-speaking world — that is, the Russian charlotte.
It is believed that this very “Russian charlotte” was invented by the French chef Alexander I – Antoine Karem.
But the real charlotte, the one with which many experiments with dough and apples began – English. And this charlotte is not a pie at all, but pudding. Its basis is white bread. English puddings are often cooked in small, per one serving. We asked the English brand WALMER, producing bakeware, to share the traditional recipe of charlottes. Continue reading