Home baking as art
I just love baking, especially homemade. All these delicious cupcakes and muffins, buns, pies, donuts,…

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Culinary mistakes. What dishes were invented by chance
On August 24, 1853, Indian chef John Crum made up chips. He did this to…

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Interesting facts about sweets
The word "candy" from the Latin language is translated as "cooked drug." In the 16th…


Apple pie
Charlotte or apple pie is probably familiar to everyone. Delicate, light, with a pleasant apple…

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Italian strudel

This does not seem obvious at all, but the strudel is a traditional Italian dessert. The Trentino-Alto Adige region is bordered by Austria, and from here, undergoing changes in recipes, strudel penetrated Italian cuisine.
Italian strudel is not as solid as its prototype: a very thin dough barely restrains the filling, a thin crisp melts in your mouth.
By the way, the whole strudel history – from beginning to end – is a story about border crossing. Strudel is a Turkish baklava in the past. How did she get to Austria? Continue reading