The world of pastry art is amazing and unpredictable! And before you and I first…

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Baked Oatmeal
Remember the joke? In an English restaurant: What do you have for breakfast today? -…

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Champagne Pizza
The key ingredient in this cheery pizza recipe is champagne. It is in the dough,…


International cake day: interesting facts about the holiday and your favorite dessert
This sweet holiday is dedicated to peace and friendship between people, nations and whole countries.…

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Chefs-academy® Culinary Academy presents: a culinary school!

It is no secret that the culinary industry has long been turned into one of the most beautiful, and most importantly, delicious art forms. Every person loves to have a hearty meal. Today, each meeting with friends, a romantic date or just a trip to visit is marked by a meal, and always deliciously cooked. Our culinary school Chefs-academy will teach you all the subtleties of this, at first glance, complex process.
Unfortunately, it is rather difficult to surprise with culinary delights using standard combinations of products and methods of their preparation. But sometimes you want so much … Our Culinary Academy will teach you to combine the incompatible, to get luxurious dishes that are not only impressive with extravagant taste, but also the aesthetics of appearance.
Thanks to our courses you can stop being a chef only in your own kitchen. Our qualified specialists will explain in which direction to move, share the necessary knowledge and experience. Being in the circle of people who have a common culinary interest, charged only with desire and purpose, you will gain invaluable practical experience and skills that you can use to cook uniquely tasty and original serving.
School cooks: culinary master class in Kiev!
Interested? Good! We do not recommend to go to watching videos on the Internet. It will be much more effective to attend a culinary master class. Kyiv offers first-class services from the Academy of Successful Cooks. With us you will be able to see with your own eyes all the subtleties of cooking chic dishes, inspired by their aroma and taste of the finished masterpieces. Having completed the courses you will learn many new things! We guarantee that you will not see this on the screen.
Culinary master class Kiev is a great chance to expand your knowledge and ideas not only about the local cuisine, but also about the culinary specialties of other countries of the world. And you will have a great opportunity to immediately apply new practical knowledge in practice, thus, better securing it. A close work in close proximity with the chef, a true professional in his field, will give confidence in their own strength. Our culinary academy offers a culinary master class Kiev for which is the venue, which will be the first but sure step towards becoming a master of your favorite work!
Culinary School Kiev will give you the opportunity to gain professional skills from the best specialists in the country. After graduating from the courses, you will know all the subtleties of food processing, how to combine the temperature and cooking time correctly, be able to use exotic spices and much more.
School chefs Chefs-academy will allow you to:
achieve great results;
to benefit from the tremendous benefits that our courses provide – the engine of your personal progress in cooking;
look at life in a new way, and maybe charge a new dream – to become a famous chef!
Conquer new peaks, reach great heights in culinary art! And we will help you with this! Who knows, maybe in the future you will have to open your own molecular cuisine store ?! Having completed courses in our school, constantly improving and developing, you can succeed in the culinary business.