Classic "Red Velvet"
Red Velvet is an American classic. Cake with a subtle chocolate flavor made from scarlet-colored…

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Italian strudel
This does not seem obvious at all, but the strudel is a traditional Italian dessert.…

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Italian strudel
This does not seem obvious at all, but the strudel is a traditional Italian dessert.…


Apple and Meat Pie and a few general considerations about savory apple dishes
Autumn is coming, apples fall from the branches. Have you thought about using apples not…

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different thicknesses

What to eat for breakfast? Apple pancakes!

Apple pancakes are a healthy alternative to ordinary ones.
Apple circles are covered with approximately the same mixture as is used to make pancakes. Then they all bake in a griddle on both sides. That time, while the dough is browned, just enough for the apple inside such a pancake to become soft. As a result, you get a golden round pancake – pancake with a hot, soft and fragrant apple inside and a very thin and airy layer of dough outside. From above such pancakes are supposed to be watered with honey or maple syrup.
Apple Pancakes
3 large apples
1 cup flour Continue reading