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10 interesting facts about macaroni pastries

There is nothing more satisfying than unwrapping a wrapper from decadent pasta. They are the epitome of luxury, pure indulgence of hedonic desires, and are largely known as the favorite cookies of Parisian tea houses. But behind their pastel shades and beautiful textures is technical knowledge – the art of making pasta in the form of a combination of sweetness, sensations, smells.
We bring to your attention our 10 great facts about pasta. . .
1. The first pasta in the world was made not in France, but in Italy. In 1533, sweets were delivered to France by the personal chef of the future queen Catherine de Medici. A little later, the recipe was finalized by chef Pierre Defontaine, who invented to fill them with butter cream.
2. The most famous maker of pasta – Pierre Erme. Heir to four generations in the family of Alsatian bakers. He was christened “Picasso of Confectionery” because of his creative and innovative flavors of pasta. The most popular flavors of his macaroni candy are raspberry, lychee and rose.
3. The name of macaroni pastry comes from the same word as flour macaroni and means soft, paste-like texture.
4. In Paris, pasta cakes are the most popular sweets and their closest rivals are eclairs, they bypass almost 2 times.
5. Since 2005, Pierre Erme began to celebrate the day of pasta to celebrate the magic of this cake all over the world. As a charity event, these sweets are distributed absolutely free.
6. A popular recipe for candy pasta from Nancy has more than 150 years of history. During the French Revolution, two nuns seeking asylum, baked cakes as payment for housing, since this recipe is kept in the strictest confidence and is still sold in city stores.
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7. In 1660, during the wedding of the future King of France Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, the famous chef Adam prepared many pasta sweets, as the newlyweds only wanted to eat them. Since then, these sweets were considered mandatory among the aristocracy of the time.
8. Two-layer pasta cake was only in the XX century. Initially, the cookies in the product were only one, but the desire to enrich the appearance and increase the palette of flavors of the cream filling was forced to add a second cookie.
9. Sweets pasta initially did not contain gluten. But only in our time of preoccupation with proper nutrition has this become important. The original recipe of sweets includes only almonds, eggs, sugar and air. And each cookie weighs about 1 gram.
10. The largest pyramid of pasta cakes was created in 2013 and consisted of 8540 products. This record was listed in the Guinness Book of Records.
In our store we offer a large selection of universal gift sets with pasta sweets. This gift is perfect for all lovers of sweets.