Caramel Apple Cake
This cupcake is baked in a round shape with a hole in the middle. This…

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Champagne Pizza
The key ingredient in this cheery pizza recipe is champagne. It is in the dough,…

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Chocolate Desserts without flour
Many baking recipes do not suffer at all if the flour in them is replaced…


Italian strudel
This does not seem obvious at all, but the strudel is a traditional Italian dessert.…

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joyful atmosphere

Interesting facts about keikpops or “Keikpops? No, I have not heard

What kind of sweet treats can usually be found at celebrations? That’s right: candy, biscuits, cake or cakes. But do you know what keypops are? This is a trendy dessert, which only gains popularity in our country. But now he is able to compete with more famous confectionery. True sweet teeth will be interested to know that …
1. Keypops is a kind of hybrid of mini-cake and chupa-chups.
Rather, in taste and composition, this pastry resembles a cake, and visually – colorful lollipop. As a rule, biscuit dough in combination with butter cream is the basis for keycops. But the filling can be completely different: for example, chocolate, fruit or nut. The main feature of this treat is in its presentation. Continue reading