Apple pie
Charlotte or apple pie is probably familiar to everyone. Delicate, light, with a pleasant apple…

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Italian strudel
This does not seem obvious at all, but the strudel is a traditional Italian dessert.…

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Muse Cookery and cooks in robes: 10 interesting facts about chefs
In the 18th century, English King George II commanded that the white cap always be…


Black sausage three sauces: French, Mediterranean and favorite Depardieu sauce
In childhood, the black wolf was only fit to shoot her at each other from…

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become the star

Interesting facts about keikpops or “Keikpops? No, I have not heard

What kind of sweet treats can usually be found at celebrations? That’s right: candy, biscuits, cake or cakes. But do you know what keypops are? This is a trendy dessert, which only gains popularity in our country. But now he is able to compete with more famous confectionery. True sweet teeth will be interested to know that …
1. Keypops is a kind of hybrid of mini-cake and chupa-chups.
Rather, in taste and composition, this pastry resembles a cake, and visually – colorful lollipop. As a rule, biscuit dough in combination with butter cream is the basis for keycops. But the filling can be completely different: for example, chocolate, fruit or nut. The main feature of this treat is in its presentation. Continue reading