Muse Cookery and cooks in robes: 10 interesting facts about chefs
In the 18th century, English King George II commanded that the white cap always be…

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Apple pie
Charlotte or apple pie is probably familiar to everyone. Delicate, light, with a pleasant apple…

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Home baking as art
I just love baking, especially homemade. All these delicious cupcakes and muffins, buns, pies, donuts,…


Tangerine Jams and Marmalades
The flavor of the New Year is, of course, the tangerines and the Christmas tree.…

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comfortable chopsticks


Torta (from Italian. Torta, earlier from Lat. Torta, round bread) is a dessert, a type of cake, consisting of one or several cakes soaked in cream or jam. On top of the cake is usually decorated with cream, icing and / or fruit.
There are also savory types of cakes (for example, a liver cake), while the name “cake” indicates rather the design of the dish: laying the ingredients in layers with possible subsequent decoration of the top layer. In the example with a liver cake: fried bread cakes made from liver mince with a layer of mayonnaise, decorated with greens on top. Continue reading

Interesting facts about keikpops or “Keikpops? No, I have not heard

What kind of sweet treats can usually be found at celebrations? That’s right: candy, biscuits, cake or cakes. But do you know what keypops are? This is a trendy dessert, which only gains popularity in our country. But now he is able to compete with more famous confectionery. True sweet teeth will be interested to know that …
1. Keypops is a kind of hybrid of mini-cake and chupa-chups.
Rather, in taste and composition, this pastry resembles a cake, and visually – colorful lollipop. As a rule, biscuit dough in combination with butter cream is the basis for keycops. But the filling can be completely different: for example, chocolate, fruit or nut. The main feature of this treat is in its presentation. Continue reading