Properly brew Irish coffee
Irish coffee has a very good reputation. It often appears in the menu of inexpensive…

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Самостоятельное строительство домов из бруса
Home baking as art
I just love baking, especially homemade. All these delicious cupcakes and muffins, buns, pies, donuts,…

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Baked Oatmeal
Remember the joke? In an English restaurant: What do you have for breakfast today? -…


Interesting candy facts
Candy is a confection, which is known for elevating improves mood. As a rule, the…

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Moscow baker

Famous dishes, the recipes of which appeared by chance

Moscow baker Ivan Maximovich Filippov was famous for his products throughout Russia. The rolls were even delivered to the imperial table in Petersburg, in 1855 Alexander the Second produced him to the suppliers of the court of His Imperial Majesty. But, they were baked only in Moscow, and then went to St. Petersburg. By the conviction of Ivan Maksimovich, only Moscow water was good. One day, Filippov got into an awkward situation, but got out of it, and even, thanks to this mistake, he supplemented the assortment of his products. Continue reading