Apple and Meat Pie and a few general considerations about savory apple dishes
Autumn is coming, apples fall from the branches. Have you thought about using apples not…

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Easy Apple Pie
One autumn evening we racked our brains: how to fake a cake, but so that…

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Chef Profession: Creativity and Physical Training
Do you like to cook, experiment, create culinary masterpieces? You know well how to “make…


Tangerine Jams and Marmalades
The flavor of the New Year is, of course, the tangerines and the Christmas tree.…

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make your strict


The world of pastry art is amazing and unpredictable! And before you and I first opened the book of sweet recipes, millions of amateurs and professionals, pioneers and inventors, left their indelible mark on pastry art, the evolution of which we can admire today.
For knowledge and entertainment, we have prepared for you 9 interesting facts about the pastry art, which will surely inspire new delicious achievements! №1. Thank you, Egyptians. It turns out that confectionery was first imported to Europe during the Muslim invasion in the far VII century – before that, unbalanced Europeans were only happy with fruit, fresh or dry. Continue reading