International cake day: interesting facts about the holiday and your favorite dessert
This sweet holiday is dedicated to peace and friendship between people, nations and whole countries.…

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Champagne Pizza
The key ingredient in this cheery pizza recipe is champagne. It is in the dough,…

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Cottage cheese truffle and its recipe
Those who diets are constantly suffering from the desire to eat something delicious. And such…


Lazy Lobiani
Not a single Georgian pie can compare with Lobiani. No other pie has such spicy…

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career ladder

Interesting facts about sweets

The word “candy” from the Latin language is translated as “cooked drug.” In the 16th century, candied fruits were sold in pharmacies for medicinal purposes. Currently, the term refers to a wider range of confectionery products.
German psychologists conducted research and noticed that romantic natures prefer sweets with strawberry filling, shy with nuts, decisive with cherry, but creative people are coconut.
For the first time sweets were prepared in Egypt. Continue reading