Muse Cookery and cooks in robes: 10 interesting facts about chefs
In the 18th century, English King George II commanded that the white cap always be…

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Cake and Cake Facts
Cake and pastries are a sweet dessert whose history is inextricably linked with the history…

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Interesting facts from the world of cooking
While preparing food, many housewives do not even think about when and how people learned…


Cake pigeon's milk"
Cake "Bird's Milk" was invented by one Moscow cook and this invention, by the way,…

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lot of guests

Lazy Lobiani

Not a single Georgian pie can compare with Lobiani. No other pie has such spicy thickness as a lobiani filling has. Lobiani – this is your breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack to wine.
Of course, according to the rules, lobiani beans need to be cooked by yourself. But those who have ever cooked beans knows that this is not a matter for the weak in spirit of nature. First you need to soak, then wait eight hours, and then you can cook. In general, rarely anyone so committed to the ideals of Georgian cuisine to crank it all. Continue reading