Interesting candy facts
Candy is a confection, which is known for elevating improves mood. As a rule, the…

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Muse Cookery and cooks in robes: 10 interesting facts about chefs
In the 18th century, English King George II commanded that the white cap always be…

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Cake pigeon's milk"
Cake "Bird's Milk" was invented by one Moscow cook and this invention, by the way,…


Interesting facts about sweets
The word "candy" from the Latin language is translated as "cooked drug." In the 16th…

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Willingness to check

Cake pigeon’s milk”

Cake “Bird’s Milk” was invented by one Moscow cook and this invention, by the way, was obtained by the author of a patent. They sold it in Moscow on the Arbat in a pastry shop from the restaurant “Prague”. When he was carried out, and this happened da-a-a-leko not every day, the queue lined up, almost like in the Mausoleum. They grabbed 3 -5 pieces each to friends and acquaintances. The proposed recipe is as close to the original as possible at home. The cake is obtained WITHOUTLY delicious. The other day I did it for a man’s anniversary, for his work. The people were shocked and delighted. Continue reading