Torta (from Italian. Torta, earlier from Lat. Torta, round bread) is a dessert, a type…

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Culinary mistakes. What dishes were invented by chance
On August 24, 1853, Indian chef John Crum made up chips. He did this to…

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Chocolate Desserts without flour
Many baking recipes do not suffer at all if the flour in them is replaced…


Apple pie
Charlotte or apple pie is probably familiar to everyone. Delicate, light, with a pleasant apple…

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International cake day: interesting facts about the holiday and your favorite dessert

This sweet holiday is dedicated to peace and friendship between people, nations and whole countries. And it is not surprising, because it is difficult to find a person, young and old, who would not like a cake. All celebrations, birthdays, anniversaries, weddings and other holidays are simply unthinkable without fancy, delicious, multi-tiered, puff, cream, biscuit, huge, sweet, positive cakes.
But perhaps the main purpose of the cake is the opportunity to be eaten in a solemn and festive atmosphere with a cup of tea among friends. Continue reading