Chocolate pie
We used to think that tasty pastries and a good figure are simply incompatible, but…

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Chefs-academy® Culinary Academy presents: a culinary school!
It is no secret that the culinary industry has long been turned into one of…

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Two autumn marmalade: from quince and persimmon
Quince marmalade is troublesome, but worth it. You will get an elastic, fragrant "fruit cheese",…


How to bake English charlotte?
Charlotte has a long history with many plots. This dessert, originally English, in different countries…

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Mint julep

Mint julep is one of the oldest and most famous cocktails. It is not clear when it was precisely mixed for the first time, but it is reliably known that in the very early years of the 19th century, American gentlemen were already drinking it in the mornings at breakfast.
How do you like this approach? Take note of the upcoming New Year holidays.
This is an American cocktail, his homeland – the southern states. To imagine the atmosphere with which the mint julep is historically associated, remember the film “Gone With the Wind”, which is played by Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable. Rich south, cotton plantations, manors, heat. It was these gentlemen – owners of cotton fields – that the ice julep cooled and refreshed. Continue reading