Pancakes at Shrovetide
Ever since pagan times, the pancake in Russia is a symbol of the sun. It…

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International cake day: interesting facts about the holiday and your favorite dessert
This sweet holiday is dedicated to peace and friendship between people, nations and whole countries.…

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Easy Apple Pie
One autumn evening we racked our brains: how to fake a cake, but so that…


Favorite cakes - that we do not know about them?
A cake is an essential attribute of a festive table for a birthday, a wedding…

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coming slushy

Chocolate pie

We used to think that tasty pastries and a good figure are simply incompatible, but exceptions can be found from every rule. Such a pleasant surprise will be a wonderful chocolate cake whose simple recipe will attract attention with its low calorie content. It does not include eggs, butter and vegetable oil, the amount of sugar in it is minimal, chocolate and cocoa compensate for its small amount, making the taste just unique. Continue reading

Black sausage three sauces: French, Mediterranean and favorite Depardieu sauce

In childhood, the black wolf was only fit to shoot her at each other from the tubes. As they get older, the situation changes – we only learn that it is possible to make a tolerable homemade liqueur from it. Break stereotypes! Having called for the help of cooks with Michelin stars on their shoulder straps, we decided to prove that not only wine can be made from black insects!
The most interesting thing is that they look at the black-fruited carnivore as wine material, although it is quite clear – according to the natural plan, it was created only for sauce and only for meat: those who love tkemali will understand what they mean. The tart, slightly astringent, sweet taste perfectly complements the pastry and patty dough – but that’s another story. Today we stop only on sauces! Continue reading