The world of pastry art is amazing and unpredictable! And before you and I first…

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What to eat for breakfast? Apple pancakes!
Apple pancakes are a healthy alternative to ordinary ones. Apple circles are covered with approximately…

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English caramel pudding
This pudding to eat it should be hot, and best of all with a scoop…


Delicate Chocolate Cake
This is a very big and heavy cake. It must be prepared in advance, at…

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become enjoyable

Cottage cheese truffle and its recipe

Those who diets are constantly suffering from the desire to eat something delicious. And such a desire gradually develops into maniacal thoughts, which badly spoil the mood. There is no need to deprive oneself of goodies even during a diet, as there are recipes for such tasty foods that are low in calories but bring great health to health. One of these useful and low-calorie desserts is cottage cheese truffle, which is cooked very easily and only for half an hour.
These snacks are also good because they have a creamy pleasant taste with a touch of toffee. Continue reading