Interesting facts about cooking
Fact No. 1. American scientists conducted research, during the course of which it was found…

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Culinary mistakes. What dishes were invented by chance
On August 24, 1853, Indian chef John Crum made up chips. He did this to…

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Italian strudel
This does not seem obvious at all, but the strudel is a traditional Italian dessert.…


Favorite cakes - that we do not know about them?
A cake is an essential attribute of a festive table for a birthday, a wedding…

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luxurious sweet


The world of pastry art is amazing and unpredictable! And before you and I first opened the book of sweet recipes, millions of amateurs and professionals, pioneers and inventors, left their indelible mark on pastry art, the evolution of which we can admire today.
For knowledge and entertainment, we have prepared for you 9 interesting facts about the pastry art, which will surely inspire new delicious achievements! №1. Thank you, Egyptians. It turns out that confectionery was first imported to Europe during the Muslim invasion in the far VII century – before that, unbalanced Europeans were only happy with fruit, fresh or dry. Continue reading