Chocolate pie
We used to think that tasty pastries and a good figure are simply incompatible, but…

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Caramel Apple Cake
This cupcake is baked in a round shape with a hole in the middle. This…

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Interesting facts about cooking
Fact No. 1. American scientists conducted research, during the course of which it was found…


Vintage English Apple Pie
The British love apples and perfectly master the skill of making apple pies. When an…

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Caramel Apple Cake

This cupcake is baked in a round shape with a hole in the middle. This type of cake is called a bandt-cake. The apple band with apples is a complex and multicomponent piece of gastronomic art. There will be a lot of almost ritual mixing, whipping, erasing – but be that as it may, the apple bandt – was, is and is sure to remain, one of the most English dishes.
3 cups flour
1 tsp cinnamon
0.5 tsp salt
baking soda and vinegar
300 grams of butter
2 cups sugar Continue reading