Delicate Chocolate Cake
This is a very big and heavy cake. It must be prepared in advance, at…

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Cake and Cake Facts
Cake and pastries are a sweet dessert whose history is inextricably linked with the history…

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Italian strudel
This does not seem obvious at all, but the strudel is a traditional Italian dessert.…


Cottage cheese truffle and its recipe
Those who diets are constantly suffering from the desire to eat something delicious. And such…

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biscuit shop

Mint julep

Mint julep is one of the oldest and most famous cocktails. It is not clear when it was precisely mixed for the first time, but it is reliably known that in the very early years of the 19th century, American gentlemen were already drinking it in the mornings at breakfast.
How do you like this approach? Take note of the upcoming New Year holidays.
This is an American cocktail, his homeland – the southern states. To imagine the atmosphere with which the mint julep is historically associated, remember the film “Gone With the Wind”, which is played by Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable. Rich south, cotton plantations, manors, heat. It was these gentlemen – owners of cotton fields – that the ice julep cooled and refreshed. Continue reading

Champagne Pizza

The key ingredient in this cheery pizza recipe is champagne. It is in the dough, and in the tomato filling.
It delicately changes the taste, but of course the main fan is not in this, but simply in the very knowledge that pizza is not simple, but … yes! – on champagne.
Generally, champagne is a great idea for any dough – not just for pizza, but also for pie. Champagne, due to bubbles, makes the dough easy, tender, airy. A pleasure, not a dough.
For the test:
1/4 cup warm water
1 tsp Sahara Continue reading

Culinary mistakes. What dishes were invented by chance

On August 24, 1853, Indian chef John Crum made up chips. He did this to annoy a harmful customer.
There are many such stories. Many of today’s famous dishes were invented by mistake, with anger, with despair, or to get out of a difficult situation. And they were so successful that their fame survived the fame of the cook.
On August 24, 1853, at the resort of Saratoga Springs in America, at a restaurant in one expensive hotel, someone called Vanderbilt ordered french fries, the restaurant’s signature dish. Chef George Crum prepared the dish, but did not please the client. It seemed to him that the potatoes were too fat. Continue reading